Jesus in thy neighbour
missionary movement
ngo vo/0140
Serving Poor Children in Brazil, Ethiopia and Kenya.

We have the will, to help the poor build a future, and with your help, we are doing it.
Every Child is Special
Very often, those people who do not have material wealth are seen as being inferior human beings. We tend to forget that in front of God’s eyes, we are all the same, every single person, no matter who, is his child! He loves us all endlessly. We are all equal in the eyes of God, Mother Theresa always used to say to her sisters that whenever they are helping anybody, they should see Jesus in that person. She emphasised that they should put aside any type of prejudice, personal impressions, or any other form of discrimination.
For her, sick persons are there to be cured, weak persons are there to be strengthened, sad persons are there to be loved and cared for, and persons without clothes to wear are there to be clothed. Every individual counts, no matter if he is strong or weak, no matter what is the colour of his skin. We should never let evil distract our attention from those who need our help. There are endless ways how we can assist those who require us. Every person on the face of the Earth deserves to be loved and cared for. Many poor people cannot pay you back materially, but your charitable deeds will surely pay you back when you really need it.
Hamper for a Family: €12 Packet of Medicine: €24 Sack of Rice: €19 Pair of Shoes for kids with Elephantiasis: €15 A Cow for a Family: €82 One Sheep: €30 Classroom Desk: €20 Bench for 6 Students: €30 Table for 10 Students: €25 Table for 14 Students: €40 Bed: €62 Mattress: €25 Baby cot: €35 - Mass in the Mission: €5 (or €175 for a month)
- Scholarship for Seminarians: €2330 (complete) or €583 (with others)
- SOS families: €15 per month or €180 per year
- Adoption of a boy/girl: €28 for food or €84 for food, school and medicine
- Adoption of a school: €300 per month or €3600 per year
About the Movement
The Missionary Movement “Jesus in thy neighbour” is a (NGO VO/0140) that was founded in Gozo, Malta by Monsignor George Grima.
It was approved by the Bishop of Gozo, Monsignor Nikol Cauchi, on 30th October 1992. The aim of the movement is to give a better life to so many children living on the streets of Brazil, Ethiopia and Kenya.
All children supported by the Missionary Movement are under the age of 12 years. Currently, the Missionary Movement has: 33 homes in Brazil, 133 homes in Ethiopia and 34 homes in Kenya.
Your Support
Today the Missionary Movement is run by Bun Alex Cauchi with a particular council and the support of about 30,000 Maltese financial contributors, and good wishers from America, Italy and Gibraltar.
Pope John Paul II in one of his journeys to Africa , in front of so much poverty and illness, said, with a loud and steady voice: “misery seeks love and charity to live.”
Far Child Adoption
Adopting one of our poor children who lives in one of our homes in Brazil, Kenya or Ethiopia, is a great way of helping us raise the much needed funds for their upkeep.
Give a Child,

Guarantee the basic daily food for a child for a whole year. Donate €28/£23 and adopt a poor child, coming from a poor family or who is abandoned.
Give a Child,
Food & Education

Guarantee food and education for a child for one year. Donate €56/£46 for these two necessities, ‘education is the power for the future’.
Food, Education & Healthcare

Guarantee food, education and healthcare for a child for one year. Donate €84/£69 for full adoption guaranteeing all the child basic necessities.
All for God’s Glory
For more than 30 years
Our Top Priorities
On 3rd December in 1987 the “Missionary Movement “Jesus in thy Neighbour”, was founded on the island of Malta. for more than 30 years, the foundation remains living by the very same mantra that formed its cornerstone, providing:
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Food for the hungry
water to the thirsty
medicine to the sick
shelter the homeless
education for all
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