Letters of congratulations from bishops on the occasion of the Movement’s Silver Jubilee
Monsignor George Grima
Peace and goodwill!
The archdiocese of São Luis, state of Maranhão, Brazil is passing through a particular unjust social reality. Within this context, the worst effected are those who are weak, especially young children. However, one can appreciate more what the acts of love can generate when this is done with these poor suffering children with kindness and open arms.
We feel so much gratitude and recognition towards the Missionary Movement “Jesus in thy Neighbour” for all this. Particularly this year, on the occasion of its 25 years since its foundation, we thank heartily the missionary movement and all the benefactors for their kindness and generosity.
Congratulations Mons. George Grima.
Well done dear benefactors.

Archbishop José Belisário
Archdiocese of São Luis – Maranhão
Vice President of the Episcopal Catholic Conference of Brazil
5th September 2012
Dear Mgr George Grima
May God shower you with His grace and blessings!
I thank you heartily for informing me with the Silver Jubilee of the ‘Missionary Movement “Jesus in thy Neighbour” where you have dedicated so much of your life.
I promise you to write a letter of thanks to all those benefactors who assisted so many of our people, especially our poorest families, who have received and are still receiving your help and support throughout these years.
We have been notified with your news through the Homes which you help in Km 17 in Peritoró and in São Mateus town.
To you and to all the benefactors I beg God’s blessings.

Dom Sebastião Bandeira
Bishop of Coroata
2nd September 2012
Msgr. George Grima
Through this short letter, the Dioceses of Compo Maior Piaui, Brazil wish to express and manifest its joy and thanks for all the help given to us by the Missionary Movement “Jesus in thy Neighbour” and the people of Malta and Gozo. We profoundly thank you for your continuous support that you have given our dioceses throughout these last eight years. Your assistance gave us hope to strive and continue help out our children who depends and rely so much on you both spiritually and materially. We are aware that without YOUR help we would not have been able to accomplish and maintain our various social projects and programs. Through your support we can continue to run four children’s home; one in São João da Serra, coordinated by Fr. Cáudio Lopes de Souza; one in Altos coordinated by Fr. Claudinei Silva Periera and two in Campo Maior coordinated by Mrs. Augusta Reis and supervised by me, Bishop of this Diocese. Altogether, thanks to your collaboration we have approximately 380 children that we assist daily in religious formation, private lessons, education, sports, culture and nourishment.
This year, in which the Missionary Movement “Jesus in thy Neighbour” is celebrating its Silver Jubilee, we would like to show our warm appreciation for the presence and missionary visits of Mgr George Grima, who always showed his big sensibility, tenderness, attention and love for all our poor children in the diocese of Campo Maior.
With your generosity we would like to continue to obey the words of Jesus “Love one another as I loved you”.
I also want to confirm that every first Friday of the month I offer a mass for the intentions of all the benefactors.

Dom Edwardo Zielski
Bishop of Campo Maior
19th October 2012
Rev.mo Mons. Jorge Grima
Movimento Missionário Jesus no Próximo – Malta
Gratitude is the memory of the heart
With this expression in mind I would like to express my gratitude on behalf of God’s people of whom I am shepherd, towards the Missionary Movement “Jesus in Thy Neighbour” for the presence and constant help given to our Diocese, through Msgr.George Grima.
On the 12th of June 1996 , Pope John Paul II appointed me as the first Bishop in the Diocese of Eunapolis. It was tough and challenging with problems cropping from every corner. I was handed a Diocese which lacked everything . I had no home where to stay and not even priests in the various parishes. The Diocese was literally reliving the poverty of the Nativity in Betlehem.
Facing the poverty around me and the incoming challenges which kept me pressing forward ,I came in contact with Fr.George Grima where with his charisma in running the Missionary Movement “Jesus in Thy Neighbour” and his spirituality, served me as a friendly shoulder to lean on in all these years of work in the Diocese. Various charitable projects were established in the Diocese ,namely: Creche Cruz de Malta in Vera Cruz – Porto Seguro – Bahia; Creche Jesus Amparado in Itapebi – Bahia; SOS Vida – Nossa Senhora do Amparo – Eunápolis Bahia; Creche Sagrado Coração – Eunápolis Bahia.
With the Silver Jubilee Celebrations on the way I would like to add my humble prayers as a thanks giving for all the work being done , my friendship and my gratitude towards all the benefactors of the Missionary Movement , who even though not physically present in missionary countries ,are helping hands through their donations.
Through the Intercession of Our Lady of Auxilliary, diocesan patron, I pray to God to bestow on each member and benefactor of the Missionary Movement “Jesus in Thy Neighbour” all my blessings, health, strenght and peace upon them, their families and work. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
Dominus Tecum!
Dom José Edson Santana Oliveira
Bispo Diocesano de Eunápolis
Costa do Descobrimento do Brasil
30th November 2012
The Diocese of Tocantinopolis, is situated in Amazon in the northern part of Brazil, a region known as “Bico do Papagaio” a historical stage for many conflicts over land access and very poor social life.
Our region is a typical old situations which were badly handled like the big problem of thousands of land owners hoping to regularize their land, or the hundreds of families without land who live under tents with the hope that one day the so long promised land reform takes place: with all this other problems start to crop up, like the fast growing industries which continue to occupy new land and build water dens to catch water, use wood to produce charcoal , the building of a railway, the massive cultivation of Eucalyptus trees and Soya. The ever growing satellite cities which lack the bare necessities for a living causing the marginalization of children and youths and a huge rise in violence rates.
In an unequal scenario such as this, we thrive to resist along with the various communities using positive initiatives that give hope like the “Missionary Movement Jesus in Thy Neighbour”. Like in other times, these communities demand a strong pastoral support from the local Church. An appeal which the Church here accepts and is willing to support.
The Love of God transforms our lives and our history, making us willing to help others freely. For the last 25 years “Missionary Movement Jesus in Thy Neighbour” through the founder Fr. George Grima and the thousands of benefactors that support the Missionary Movement have changed lives ,have restored human dignity, brought joy and legal recognition especially to the little ones.
Now that we are approaching Advent, I pray to God through the intercession of Our Lady of Consolation , our patron saint that the heart of the Missionary Movement gets even bigger and that its arms get even wider to embrace poor children around the world; its feet walk towards those who suffer and its eyes to be always clear to recognize Jesus in the poor child.
I thank God for the 25 years of service from the “Missionary Movement Jesus in Thy Neighbour”

Giovane Pereira de Melo
Diocesan Bishop of Tacantinopolis
Tocantins – Brasil
Dear Monsignor George,
Pax Cristi.
It is with joy and gratitude that I want to congratulate the Missionary Movement “Jesus in thy Neighbour” on the occasion of its celebration of its Silver Jubilee. Congratulations and thank you very much for your dedicated service to the poorest of the poor in Ethiopia.
When we started our first evangelization mission among the Gumuz people in the Metekel Zone of the Benishangul-Gumuz Region in north western Ethiopia of the present Bahir Dar Pastoral Territory of the Archdiocese of Addis Abeba, it was the Missionary Movement which came to the assistance of the Comboni Missionary Sisters to build the first kindergartens, the boreholes for clean water, and for grinding mills in the villages, especially in the Mandura area. Thanks to the Missionary Movement, the people of Gumuz have not only received the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ but also education, health care, and clean water. In Addis Abeba, the Missionary Movement has been helping the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in running an orphanage and the Helpers of Mary in assisting poor women and children.
As President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Ethiopia (CBCE), I will like to thank the Missionary Movement “Jesus in thy Neighbour” for the works being done in:
1. Jimma Bonga Vicariate: for the realisation of a big project for disabled children;
2. Meki Vicariate: with the education and building of convents an schools;
3. Gambela Vicariate: with the building of schools and bore holes;
4. Awassa Vicariate: building schools and social services for the poorest of the poor;
5. Nekemte Vicariate: with social works for lepers, elephantiasis, clinics, schools, and feeding programs;
6. Adigrat Eparchy: with education and feeding program;
7. Soddo Vicariate: with setting up bore-holes.
Thanking our benefactors and wishing God’s blessings on the Missionary Movement “Jesus in thy Neighbour” on the occasion of its Silver Jubilee, I remain,
Yours sincerely in Christ,

Abune Berhaneyesus D. Souraphiel CM
Metropolitan Archbishop of Addis Abeba
President of the CBCE.
29 August 2012
Letter of congratulations and prayers
Dear Msgr. George Grima,
It is great news for me to hear that the foundation “Jesus in thy Neighbour” is celebrating its Silver Jubilee.
In the name of the Apostolic Vicariate of Meki Ethiopia , the beneficiary children and myself I would like to thank “Jesus in thy Neighbour” and all the people who have given their generous contribution and support so that many children could benefit and receive hope for their future in spite of difficulties and social conditions. The Foundation has withstood all these 25 years because of the support and prayers of many people. I believe that God is always good and kind to those who go beyond their geographical boundaries to see Jesus in their brothers and sisters and this is exactly what we learn from this Foundation.
Here in Meki it is already 10 years since I have started working with Msgr. George Grima and I would like to congratulate Abba George for this great Missionary Movement and his zeal for the missions. My words could not say enough for the work we have done together with Abba George in Bulbula and now in Sagure in the Highland of Arsi region. Together, let us continue the work of Jesus by welcoming this occasion of joy celebrating in our midst, supporting people in their needs calling them our neighbours.
May the blessings of the triune God, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit be with you and Our Lady Mary “Kidanemihret” Protect you always.
In communion of prayer,

Abba Abraham Desta
Vicariate of Meki
Dear Fr. George Grima,
Date 4th October 2012,
During this joyful time of the celebration of the silver jubilee of your missionary movement we, the Vicariate of Gambella, express our heartfelt gratitude for your continuous and unreserved support especially for the feeding programs at the day care centers and for the development of potable water points in various parishes for the benefit of the community at large.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you and your colleagues to be able to serve the interest of our Holy Catholic Church in all parts of the world for the last 25 years. I am sure that the fruits of your blessed work encourage you more to keep on doing the sacred work of helping the poor in such marginalized areas especially in Africa. I hope also your collaboration with our diocese will continue to grow through which we are sure that we will be able to reach out to those children of God in various parishes who are struggling to get their daily bread.
I pray that God blesses your endeavor abundantly and keep you healthy.
Best Regards,

Bishop Angelo Moreschi
Apostolic Vicar
27th August 2012
Bishop Markos Gebremedhin
To: Dun George Grima
Greetings to the Dioceses of Malta and all people of God from Apostolic Vicariate of Jimma-Bonga in Ethiopia. As we received the great news of the preparation of Jubilee celebration of the Missionary Movement “Jesus thy Neighbour” in Malta Diocese it is and honor and great privilege for us to hear such a great news and write the following message of Congratulations and our hearty thanks for this unconditional and generous financial and moral support given to the poorest of the poor children and their families in Ethiopia particularly to our Diocese.
It is about fifteen years ago we come to know Most Rev. Msgr.George Grima the founder and director of the Missionary Movement “Jesus in thy Neighbor” when he set his feet in the soil of Ethiopia looking for abandoned and miserable children in the villages and streets. We are very grateful to him and to all his collaborators in Malta who stretched their generous hearts and hands in saving the soul of so many suffering children. I am very glad to inform you that among the first children fed and encouraged by the Missionary Movement “Jesus thy Neighbou” to school are now doing their University studies. We are very grateful to God and to you all.
We have also discovered in our region many children ignored and abandoned by their own families and parents because they are handicapped and out of ignorance they consider it as taboo to show them to the public and they never been at school and for medical treatment. When Msgr.George visited our Apostolic Vicariate together with his collaborators he was able to see many of them in their villages. I am very grateful to him and his friends who decided to be on our side as we are planning to build Disable children centre in Bonga town and bring all the disabled children in this centre and provide medical support and education.
While sincerely thanking you for all the moral support we have been receiving help for these last many years. We humbly ask you to continue your support so that we can fulfill our desire of saving these poor children.
Thank you so much. May almighty God reward you hundred times for what you have done and going to do for us.
Respectfully yours in Jesus,

Abune Markos Gebemedhin CM
Vicar Apostolic of Jimma-Bonga

Bishop Theodoros Van Ruyven

Dear Msgr. Grima,
On behalf of the Catholic Archdiocese of Kisumu, I whole heartedly express our sincere congratulations on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee celebrations of the Missionary Movements (Jesus in thy Neighbour).
Both Franciscan communities namely, Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph, Franciscan Sisters of St. Anne and the Local Community are indeed very grateful and appreciative of the Educational Institutions namely:
. Sacred Family Home – Bondo
. Nyabondo Center for the disabled
. Nyamonge Oasis of Peace complex
. Rangala Baby Home
. St. Clare Orphanage
. St. Martin De Porres – FP
. St. Oda for the blind
. St. Bernard’s children’ home
Awasi and Bolo Small Home for the disabled are all a sign that “Jesus in Thy Neighbour” is in our neighbourhood of the Archdiocese of Kisumu.
Ever grateful,

Most Rev. Zacchaeus Okoth
Archbishop of Kisumu
The ‘Divine Mercy Home’, sponsored by the Missionary Movement “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” remains one of the most faith-inspiring projects in Homabay Diocese.
Since its inception on 4 December 2006, the ‘Home’ that currently hosts seventy (70) orphans has raised and helped restore the dignity that befits the precious gift of human life to thirty-nine children, most of who were orphaned after their parents succumbed to the HIV/Aids. This year, fourteen more who have reached the age of ten will graduate from ‘Divine Mercy Home’ and give room for other younger and needier ones who desperately need to experience the love of God.
The ‘Divine Mercy Home’, living up to its name, and run by the ‘Benedictine Sisters of Divine Providence’ uniquely combines the two natures of a God who in His Divine Mercy Provides to His little children! Indeed, the Love that Jesus has for little children (Cf. Mark 10:14) can readily be experienced at Sero, where the home is situated. The joy in the faces of the children always renews my own faith in God’s providential care. The joyous community of the Sisters at the “Divine Mercy Home’ is yet another reason to thank God, especially for putting in His people the courage to serve Him in the poor, the sick, the marginalized, the weak and the disadvantaged.
On this happy occasion of the Silver Jubilee of the Missionary Movement ‘JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR”, I wish to sincerely thank the director and the entire leadership of your great movement for identifying Homa Bay Diocese as a beneficiary of your benevolence. The stories of all the children who have passed through the Home will never be complete without mentioning your Movement, the Divine Mercy Home and the Sisters.
Finally, receive my unfeigned sentiments of CONGRATULATIONS, for the opportunity to celebrate 25 Years of selflessness and sacrifice! May the Lord Bless and Reward the Big hearts of your benefactors with the kind of Peace that this world can neither give nor take away. May He also guide you towards achieving your most cherished aspirations as a Movement.
Once again, Thanks and CONGRATULATIONS!

Philip A. Anyolo
Bishop of Homa Bay Diocese
I wish to congratulate the Missionary Movement of Jesus in thy Neighbour at this time. The movement has been true to its name in the Diocese of Nakuru in which many people have been made to feel the love of God from a neighbour so far and yet so near and so real. Though far in distance and the movement is so near in response to the call of Jesus to love our neighbour. I thank Father George Grima in his tireless efforts to keep this link between the people of Malta and the Diocese of Nakuru.
The Missionary Movement of Jesus in thy Neighbour continues to be a real witness of the love of Jesus to the needy in the Diocese of Nakuru. Through this movement the orphaned and abandoned children have been given a hope for a future and a life of dignity. This for example is the case in one of our children’s home – Holy Family Orphanage – where children as young as only a couple of days old are rescued and brought to have a feel of Jesus in the neighbourhood. I cannot forget what the movement is also doing to help provide some basis needs in some of the least developed areas of the diocese. In the area of East Pokot (Kositei) the movement is present in a form of assistance in the construction of schools for the provision of education and drilling of boreholes for the provision of clean water. Long live the movement, long live the spirit of Jesus in the neighbourhood!